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DevOps @
the modern


When data scientists, testers or especially business managers hear the word DevOps, they often don´t feel spoken to. But who has defined developers? Who limited this role to something that does not include data, testing, IT architecture or business process definitions and input? We like to call them: Engineers!

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DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers DevOps @ the modern engineers

Dev and Ops in DevOps


Developers in our sense of the word are not coders sitting with a headset behind the desk, they are creators, consultants, process owners, data scientists, database experts, architects and testers, to name only a few. Basically everyone who helps to create and to deliver the product is in that moment a developer – or as we like to say: an engineer!

This clarifies the Dev, but what about the Ops? The classic understanding of operations has been handing over a fully developed piece of software to an external or separate team of experts who have insights and access to production very late in the application lifecycle. Applying DevOps to an organization does not eliminate the importance of operations, in fact, operations professionals are integrated much earlier in the lifecycle, becoming an influential part of the delivery and creation of the software from the start and making sure early on that the product is delivered safely, quickly, secure and stable. At the end of the day, this makes them also an engineer of that product.

DevOps is enough, there is no need for all the WhatNotOps


Following on the thought of bringing Dev and Ops together, people started wondering and asked themselves rightly: Why only Dev and Ops? Isn´t for example security an important concept and shouldn´t our Sec teams be more integrated too? What about the dedicated data teams? DataOps and DevSecOps as examples for an ever-growing list of Ops variations, branched from the concept or expectation that DevOps did not take data or security into consideration. Not only were separate teams trying to validate their existence within DevOps but teams that implemented – reasonable and valid – modifications to how DevOps was applied in their team or organization felt the need to come up with new names. This created a further ever-growing list of Ops as well.

the modern egnineers devops frankfurt development operations


But how in our day and age does one develop a product with modern tools and processes without data or security? A developer needs to understand those very important aspects of modern product development.
We understand and support that in specific cases, teams or organizations want to place a dedicated focus in a certain “interpretation of DevOps”, but not by means of “replacing” DevOps as an approach.


As said earlier: To us a developer is everyone contributing to the product. This allows us to understand DevOps @the modern engineers as an almighty concept that encompasses and respects all aspects of DevSecOps, DataOps, ChatOps, GitOps and WhatNotOps. It is a holistic approach to well-thought-through product creation and delivery.



the mdoern engineers start somewhere